Company Profile

Company Name EIS Wire & Cable
Location South Hadley, MA 01075
Year Founded 1910
Staff 50-99
Product industries Custom Manufacturer
Main Products / Services Cables / Wire: Medical / Cables: Control / Cables: Audio / Cables: Flexible / Cables: Bulk / Cables: Twisted Pair / Wire / Wire: Bulk / Cables: Appliance / Electric Wire, Cable and Cable Assemblies / Mechanical Wire, Cable and Rope / Cord and Cordage / Manufacturing Services / Military Equipment / Private Label Manufacturing / Trays


Manufacturer of twisted or multi-pair cables, either standard or custom, for use in stage lights, computers, tractor controls, data communication, automation, and agricultural equipment, both indoors and outdoors. There are also power, instrumentation, flat, composite, braided, insulated, and broadcast audio cables available. Cables for a speaker, guitar or other instrument, snake, continuous flexible control, digital multiplex (DMX), and microphone are included. There are options for private labeling. serves the petrochemical, solar, electronics, defense, automotive, and energy industries. RoHS compatible. CSA recognized. UL indicated. Capable of lean production.